My Story


ReStarts, self-discovery and affirmation of my personal purpose.

ReStart - Story

I have always looked for answers that would allow me to understand my personal reality and help to overcome what limited me and prevented me from achieving my dreams and goals.

It took a lot of resilience and determination to regain my essence and control of my life, emotions and results.

I am infinitely grateful for the path I took, for doing what I do professionally and for seeing the events of my past as learning experiences, fundamental to my personal evolution process.

Every day I try to help other people and be an example of overcoming, showing that it is possible to regain balance and happiness.

“Don’t be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson and not a sentence for life.”
Robin Sharma

We are spiritual beings in continuous evolution. Throughout life, we find the masters who allow us to learn, grow and evolve.

I accept that this is so and I thank all those who have contributed positively to my evolution and inspired me to overcome obstacles and to go in search of solutions that would allow me to live at the level of my potential and my best version.

One of them is my son, who has always awakened in me immense happiness, but also the need to continually acquire the tools that would allow me to guarantee the best possible performance of my role as a Mother.

And of course, my parents, who left at the beginning of my adult life, but who continue to be a guiding light for me and an unavoidable reference for the principles and values ​​they passed on to me and which I strive to honor, trying to keep their legacies of altruism, integrity and unconditional love.

To them, my Gratitude and Eternal Love. ❤️

If you want to know more about me, read on.

I have always avoided talking about my past. I felt that strength and not vulnerability were expected of me, but now I recognize that sharing the stories we overcome, done with vulnerability guided by the heart and courage, can inspire others to believe in themselves and overcome what prevents them from evolving and living in balance and happiness.

– It comes from the Latin CorAticum

COR – Heart | ATICUM – Action 



Paula Magalhães - Story

I grew up happy and with many dreams, in a house full of life and wonderful people.

Adult life represented the beginning of a period marked by traumatic events, which I only got over after starting to invest in myself and in my personal transformation process.

If I can do it, EVERYONE can. This is the main reason for this sharing.

For essentially family reasons and following the premature death of my parents, I was forced to redefine the plans I had set for myself. I started working early and kept putting off the possibility of taking a course related to the social area, which would allow me to fulfill my life purpose of helping other people.

I stopped investing in myself, I felt unhappy and hostage to the pain caused by the disappearance of my biggest references and the trauma left by two toxic and abusive relationships I lived at that time. These events resulted in depression and generalized anxiety, leading me to be medicated with antidepressants and anxiolytics that kept me functional and in the fulfillment of my professional and family obligations, but that imprisoned me and distanced me from my essence and goals.

“You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.”
Andrew Murphy

Overcoming this depression, which I never accepted as a final sentence, was only possible when I gained the skills that allowed me to internally restructure and regain control of my life, emotions and thoughts.

After turning 30, I realized that I could no longer postpone the purpose of helping other people, opting for a degree in Acupuncture, which I reconciled with my profession at the time as a director at a textile agency.

Taking control of one’s own life means being able to live at the level of our best version.

But even with the course completed, it would not be easy to put my dream into practice due to the financial obligations of a single parent family and because with the years without exercising, I ended up losing the practice, but also discovering, largely thanks to my own process of self-improvement, that my vocation was more directed to helping people psychologically, mentally, spiritually and holistically and not just physically.

We are not what happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us.

In other words, my personal history, my purpose in life and the interest in human behavior, led me to redefine my professional and training path, opting for specialization in areas that could guarantee my contribution to the overcoming, transformation and evolution of those who come to me, helping them to achieve their personal, relational and professional goals.

Today, as a Personal Coach, NLP Practitioner, Mentor, Numerologist, Therapist and Trainer, I remain faithful to my purpose and every day I try to make it easier for other people, offering them the knowledge and solutions that allow them to understand themselves, their reality and overcome everything that prevents them from achieving success and leadership in their own lives.

I am the result of my personal history and I work continuously to increase my knowledge and evolve professionally.

I am grateful for everything I have lived, overcome and achieved, because I believe that we are not what happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us.

I decided to forgive and give new meaning to everything that kept me from being happy and moving forward.

It’s possible! If I did it, so can you.

Don’t give up on yourself and challenge yourself to ReStart, so that you can live far from emotional and mental prisons and BE who you need to be, achieving goals that allow you to vibrate at your best version and find your definition of success, happiness and fulfillment .

We continue together, because together we are stronger and we go further.
I’m here for you.

See you soon
– Paula Magalhães –

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