Balance yourself
Reiki, TFT, Auriculotherapy
The balance between body, mind and spirit. Self-healing and the resolution of energetic and emotional blockages that are at the origin of trauma, fears, anxiety and other problems that impede health and well-being.
balance yourself
Traditional Japanese Reiki
Increase Self-Healing Power
“Reiki is the secret art that invites to happiness.”
Mikao Usui
Traditional Japanese Reiki or Usui Reiki Ryoho, is a natural healing method, with Tibetan influences, which is part of the group of complementary and holistic medicines, which was discovered in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui.
This therapy uses universal energy to restore the body’s healthy energy flow, revitalize the organs, eliminate toxins, increase self-healing power, amplify the effect of other medicines and therapies, relieve anxiety, sleep disturbances, chronic pain, depression, etc. .. It enhances the person’s relaxation and well-being.
Improve health
Reiki restores vital energy and increases the body’s self-healing power. It revitalizes the organs, enhances relaxation and general well-being. Eliminates toxins, alleviates symptoms and removes blockages that cause problems and imbalances. Restores the balance of the energy system. It improves health while enhancing well-being, happiness and quality of life.
Find balance
Contributes to the improvement of limiting mental and emotional states. Strengthens and harmonizes the body. It enhances self-healing, reduces side effects of other treatments and amplifies the effect of other therapies. It alleviates, or resolves, symptoms of anxiety, sleep disturbances, insomnia, chronic pain, depression, etc.. It increases inner peace and relaxation, promoting the balance of the Being.
TFT – Thought Field Therapy
Remove Blockages
Live Healthily
Emotional Freedom
“Adversity can come from the outside, happiness can only come from the inside.”
Julien Green
Thought Field Therapy, due to the connection that exists between the nervous, neurological and energetic systems, allows to eliminate, at its root, energetic blockages, solving emotional, mental, physical and energetic problems, such as anxiety, addictions, grief, trauma, fears, etc.
It is a non-invasive technique also known as “needleless acupuncture” and was developed by Roger Callahan.
It is applied through tapping sequences (small taps with the fingertips) in specific areas of the body, restoring the healthy flow of the body in adults, children and babies.
The Key to Emotional Freedom
Control emotions, feelings and eliminate negative messages and blockages recorded in the field of thought.
This is usually the origin of: Fears; Stress; Rage; Shame; Sadness; Guilt; Depression; Obsessions; Abandonment; Rejection; Losses; Bereavements; Trauma; Addictions; Panic; Generalized Anxiety; etc.
Restore emotional freedom, hope, health and happiness.
Overcoming Trauma and Resolving Limitations
Removing blockages and disturbances that cause negative emotions, resolving and releasing negative feelings and emotions, decoding unconscious messages that impede emotional and mental health and control, unlocking and enhancing energy flow, stimulating the self-healing system and restoring physical, mental and emotional health.
The ear is a microsystem that represents all the organs and limbs of the body, having a close physiological relationship with the internal organs. It can be used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases or disorders such as:
– Anxiety, Depression, Pain, Insomnia, Lack of memory, Lack of concentration, Renites, Allergies, Asthma, etc.
* My knowledge in this area results from my training in Acupuncture. Whenever necessary, and as a complement to Reiki, TFT or Personal & Emotional Management sessions, I apply this technique, using small spheres that make it painless and non-invasive.
Balance Yourself
Your life. Your balance.
Improve health, increase the power of self-healing and live fully, in total freedom and inner peace.
Appointments Reiki & TFT – Balance Yourself
Business hours
Monday to Saturday – 9am to 8 pm
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