Why don’t relationships work?


Relationships aren’t always easy, especially when it comes to love relationships.

Why does everything seem perfect for a while, but then one of the people involved becomes disinterested or even leaves the relationship?

The main reasons can be explained by behaviors, or patterns to which we stick, for example:

  • Lack of self-confidence

Trust makes it possible to maintain stable loving relationships, even for people who can be considered by most as unattractive. That is, self-confidence is an internal state that often has nothing to do with our appearance. When we don’t have this sufficiently reinforced self-confidence, even though insecurities are not revealed at the beginning of the relationship, they will most likely arise, which may put the balance of the relationship in question and even its continuity.

This lack of self-confidence can be reversed, when we work on improving our self-esteem, we start to feel comfortable in our own skin, we reflect on the reasons that led us to this lack of self-esteem, trying to change them. This involves investing more in ourselves, doing physical activities, improving our diet and making all the positive changes that can contribute to making us feel better, increasing self-esteem and confidence in ourselves.

  • Despair

We all know someone who is desperate to have a boyfriend, or even we were, or still are, one of those people.
When someone feels this urgency, it’s often because they hope to find happiness in another person when, in fact, we should be happy alone and want to find someone not to fill our emotional gaps, but just so that we can feel more accompanied.

The ideal is to be well with ourselves and liking the idea of ​​being alone, even if it’s for the rest of our lives. Otherwise, we may go into despair and want to formalize the relationship, or even marry at all costs, even shortly after we have started the relationship.

  • Mismatches

When two people meet, it doesn’t always happen at the right time. We may even find the best of people, but if that person has unresolved issues from their past, it can often end up overlapping the relationship. In other words, it’s important to accept that things don’t always have to work, or happen at the right time.

Even if there is no reasonable explanation for this, the reasons exist and the better we understand this, the sooner we recover from the disappointments that often the end of relationships brings us, causing us to fall into states of sadness, disbelief in the future, etc..

Naturally accepting the end of a relationship will help us to believe that it will not happen again, helping us to maintain faith in ourselves and in future relationships. Until another relationship arises, we should be busy with positive things that bring benefits and well-being to our lives.

  • Too fast changes

It can also happen that the people involved have everything very well resolved and are ready to start a relationship, but after some time, lose the motivation, which initially led them to want to be in that relationship, and decide to end.

This happens a lot in relationships that start too quickly and where people always want to be together, spend the day exchanging messages, talking constantly, etc. What happens in these cases is that often this excess of time together and the rush to live everything quickly, can end up exhausting the relationship, causing it to end early.

That is, relationships need time to progress in a healthy way and to be able to maintain balance.

The ideal is to take it easy, so that it’s possible to really get to know the other person, not to give too much priority to the new relationship and not to leave behind friends, family and other important aspects of each person’s life.

There should be time to evaluate, as rationally as possible, what there is in common with the other person, so that it’s not believed, for example, that the existence of chemistry is necessarily synonymous with a lasting relationship. Common sense must be used, so that the relationship is taken calmly, patterns are changed that prevent the relationship from evolving naturally and the foundations that keep it healthy and lasting are built.

Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –

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October 2020



A few days ago, a client told me that when at the end of 2019 I told her that 2020 would be a year in which everything would happen slowly and in which our structure would be put to the test, we never thought would be this way.

Yes, it’s true that all aspects of energy 4 in this year 2020 are really being tested and taken to the extreme by the circumstances in which we continue to live, but despite all this, in this month of October, we can use the momentum that its energy brings us to make the changes we feel are necessary and so that we can keep on a path of expansion and growth.

What project would you like to carry out?
Are you not happy and want to change your way of being, thinking, profession, relationship, etc.?

So, this is the right month to be able to do it❗️

Especially because this month invites us to reassess all aspects of our life and to gain courage to leave our comfort zone so that we can continue to evolve, creating the life we ​​want.

However, in order to make the changes you need, you may need to prepare yourself through new training and/or more investment in yourself so that you can gain more energy, confidence, strength, etc.

What matters is that you move and take this opportunity to meet the positive change you need and what is really important for you, for your well-being and personal fulfillment.

Through a Numerology appointment, you can understand how to take advantage of this month’s energy and implement the changes you want to make.
Make your appointment and:

Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –

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Coaching is to unlock your potential and maximize your growth


Coaching is about gaining awareness, making committed decisions and taking action.

Our genetics and the environment in which we operate, influence our lives and our results, but that does not have to determine who we are, or what we want to have, do or BE.

Doing a COACHING process means being better able to say no to what no longer makes sense to you, in order to give way to new and better results at an emotional, personal and professional level.

It means committing to yourself and your change, and together we co-create the solutions and strategies that will allow you to control your life, emotions, thoughts and find the path that will lead you to the goals you set out to achieve.

Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –

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Personal Development

personal development

Personal development means progress.

Personal development is directly linked to the person’s mental, emotional and spiritual growth.

It’s a conscious decision to want to grow internally, learn, improve awareness about yourself, your self-knowledge and your personal abilities and skills.

It allows you to:
❗️Integrate better socially
❗️Have more emotional self-control
❗️Perceive your feelings and emotions
❗️Be more productive
❗️Be better able to set and achieve realistic goals
❗️Have more ease in finding strategies and solutions to your problems
❗️Have more clarity and be happier.

This type of support and guidance is increasingly sought by women and men who suffer from anxiety problems, depression, self-esteem, lack of confidence in themselves, or have difficulties in their relationships, but also by people who don’t have this type of problems and want to reach levels of self-knowledge and awareness that allow them to have a better relationship with themselves, with others and achieve better results, in all areas of their life.

The interest in self-development begins when you become aware that the power to change what limits you and your circumstances, is within yourself. All areas in which I work aim to improve the person’s quality of life and contribute to their inner growth and evolution.

Have you discovered the benefits that personal development can bring to your life?

If you want to make that discovery, you can count on me to facilitate your journey and find with you the solutions that will allow you to grow internally and achieve what you want for yourself.

Setup your appointment now, or free Coaching session, and understand how you can wake up to the unlimited potential that you have, reach your goals and be happier.

Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –

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Being vulnerable is not synonymous with weakness, but with courage.

Living life fully also involves assuming the vulnerability that allows us to remain true to ourselves and what we think and feel. When we choose to be vulnerable, we are choosing courage over comfort, even if it means we can fall and be criticized.

We are programmed for love and belonging. It’s in our DNA. But although the path between people is only made through vulnerability, we tend to avoid it, for fear of being judged as weak or too permeable to suffering.

However, having the ability to be vulnerable should not generate fear, but gratitude, because if we think about it, an act of courage also requires vulnerability, because for this to happen, emotional exposure, uncertainty and risk must exist, that is, vulnerability. However, as a rule, courage is seen as a synonym for strength while vulnerability is seen as a sign of weakness.

Despite the need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, every act of vulnerability must be conscious so that it doesn’t take control of our lives and emotions. That is, to be vulnerable is to risk without certainty of the results, but it’s not to share everything and expose ourselves to a level that could be harmful.

The truth is that vulnerability has limits, but without it, there is no creativity or true connection with those around us.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and courageous!

Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –

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