Numerology in Relationships

numerology in relationships

numerology in relationships

When we raise our level of self-knowledge, we understand who we truly are and realize that each of us has a specific role to play, depending on our balance, success and happiness.

We start to RESPECT differences and to better understand those around us, which contributes to the harmony of our relationships, which start to be lived with more balance, a spirit of cooperation and a real place for growth and evolution.

Numerology allows me to help other people, knowing themselves and understanding themselves deeply, and has even allowed me to improve my personal, professional and family relationships.

The truth is that we are who we are and although it’s possible to change our identity, through self-knowledge and personal development, our essence will always be an integral part of that same identity. Therefore, accepting who we are and accepting others as they are becomes highly liberating and beneficial for any type of relationship.

An example of this is a mother who came to me to understand the reasons that led her son to not want to run the family business. Realizing that his son’s Life Path led him, albeit instinctively, to want to follow a path of detachment, volunteering and contribution to the common good, she accepted that his son’s professional life would not involve materialism, money, etc., and she understood that imposing a profession on him that was not aligned with his personal mission would only result in frustration, emotional suffering, or even depression.

Try to know more about yourselves, about those around you and understand what you must change or enhance to be able to relate in a harmonious, healthy and balanced way.

Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –

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