I want to share with you a real case so that you can understand how complementary therapies can make a difference in our quality of life and mental, emotional and physical health.
This is the situation of Luisa (fictitious name in order to fully protect the person’s identity) and the extraordinary results she obtained with Reiki and TFT – Thought Field Therapy.
When Luisa came to me, she suffered from severe anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, sleep problems and obsessive thoughts. The anxiety attacks were so severe that she often had to go to the hospital, even to lower blood pressure levels that, due to anxiety, went up uncontrollably.
She started by doing Reiki, which allowed her to become more balanced, calm and physically and mentally relaxed, and received strategies that helped her to change the emotional and mental patterns that removed her quality of life and impaired her health.
Later on we did TFT which definitely helped her to overcome anxiety, eliminate obsessive thoughts, etc. She even learned how to do it herself and started doing it at home, since TFT is easy to learn and to replicate later on by the person.
Even during the quarantine, in which she did not have sessions with me for about 2 months, she was doing TFT to herself and spent the whole period without anxiety attacks, in full control of her emotions and even lowered her medication. Currently, also encouraged by the doctor and the family, who see their improvements, she’s doing maintenance sessions and is doing very well, which fills my heart with joy.
That is, currently Luisa is a completely different person. She feels much more relaxed and responsible for herself and her health, because she has acquired new personal tools and a perspective on life that allows her to be happier and to live with more balance and emotional control.
It’s for people like Luisa and for these results that they obtain that I do what I do, always with the same spirit of mission and joy for being able to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and health of other people.
Thank you for the trust you place in me.
Challenge yourself to ReStart from where you’re at now and transform yourself into your best version!
See you soon,
– Paula Magalhães –
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